Pet Ownership Made Easier with (the Right) Dog Supplies
For many people, pets are family... and because of that,
we don't hesitate to spend money on our pets. The most
regular costs are things like food and treats, plus
less frequent expenses like vet bills. When it comes to
dog supplies,
though, sometimes we hesitate - would we ever use them?
Do we even need them? How much are they?! But some
pet supplies can make pet ownership not just more convenient
& more fun, but it can make life easier & more fun
for your dog, too.
Dog Training Supplies
It's not just professional dog trainers that invest in supplies for their dog. Simple things like a clickerAnother type of supply that some dog owners may be
interested in is
agility equipment.
Some people and dogs find agility a lot of fun and a great
way to socialize as well as get some exercise. Think of an
obstacle course with all sorts of neat equipment
like tunnels
and ramps
and jumps!
Dog Grooming Supplies
Dog groomer supplies aren't just for professional groomers, but also for those of us "do-it-yourself" types. Basic supplies every dog owner should keep on hand include:- A comb or brush
- Nail clippers
or a nail dremel
- Dog shampoo
(don't use human shampoo - it's too harsh for a dog's skin and coat);
- Electric dog grooming clippers
- An absorbent towel or two (... or five...);
- Doggy toothbrush and specially-made canine toothpaste
(do not use human toothpaste on your dog - it's far too strong!). Supplement your pet's dental hygiene program by using a dental spray, gel, or rinse too.
Always keep a good stash of dog bathing supplies on hand. Even if you very rarely bathe your dog, all it takes is one good roll on a dead fish (...or in swampy mud, or in the millions of other things that dogs find utterly delightful) and you'll be glad you have those bath supplies readily available.
Cleaning Products and Supplies
Being a pet owner means that you will inevitable have to deal with cleaning up after your pet. There are countless products meant to help with cleaning up pet stains like urine and vomit, and to help deal with fur. Here are some of the best cleaning products for households with pets.Emergency Supplies
Floods, wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can cause you to need to leave your home in a hurry. Bring your pet with you - he cannot fend for himself! Put together a minimum basic disaster supply kit for dogs just in case of emergencies.There are so many types of dog supplies available to pet owners. Even though we may wonder if we really need them, many supplies make pet care easier, more convenient, and sometimes even more fun, too. Plus they're handy to have around in case, say, your dog decides that it's a great idea to burrow through that mound of rotting fish he found on the beach.